We were asked to write a blog about how we were called to this mission trip. Here is my story…
During this past year, I had been sifting through the zillions of colleges trying to decide where I would want to further my education after graduating, just like the stereotypical high school senior. Halfway through the year, I had considerably narrowed down my options. In March, my parents and I decided to visit the two colleges I’d been considering: ColoradoChristianUniversity and CedarvilleUniversity. Since I didn’t want to make up a lot of schoolwork, we had to keep the trip short, which meant driving with limited stops (even through the night). Cedarville had a great campus. CCU did too, although we weren’t able to see much since the clouds decided to relinquish their burdensome load of snow at that time…good thing I love snow!
Anyways, I ended up nixing Cedarville, mainly because it was too expensive. So that left Colorado Christian. I didn’t know if I wanted to go there for sure and certain yet by the time graduation finally arrived, but for lack of something better, I replied to the infamous question (“What are you going to do next?”) with “I’m planning on going to CCU.” Sometimes I wonder why we try to formulate plans when God’s plans are infinitely better…
One night around this time, my older sister (who’d come home for the occasion along with my brother) and I were chatting about what options I still had for the coming year. She happened to mention that Adventures in Missions had an 8-month mission trip that went overseas. I’d never heard of it before, but I remember thinking something like “Wouldn’t if be funny if that’s what I actually did?”
As the month of May began to wither away, the idea had grown on me, especially since I’d never really experienced a sense of peace about going to CCU. I started looking into the possibility of actually going on this trip by reading about it on their website and asked God if this is what He wanted me to do instead of going to college like my classmates. While away at a church camp, I sensed that He was confirming my desire to join the Novas Project. When I got home from that spiritually refreshing week, I finished the application and sent it. I was accepted, and the rest, you could say, is history.
thats awesome!!! i love how family members r always throwing things such as this towards us!!!! thats an awesome story!
wonderful! missions are such a great way of finding “yourself”! I’ll be keeping you in my prayers.
I am so glad you are following God’s plan. When we know we are in God’s will, life just seems better.
Hmmm… Excellent question. I don’t know why we try and formulate plans. Although, I find that sometimes one of the best ways to figure out what God wants me to do is make plans and then let Him change them…sometimes drastically!
I don’t remember May withering, but I suppose that it is possible that it did. It just seems odd that you used that adjective. Generally it’s the fall months that wither, isn’t it? I’ve never really thought of a spring month withering. Hmmm. I shall have to consider that one.
Oh, so I tried your cereal for a night-time snack (although I made it a meal because I didn’t eat supper…I’ll tell you that later…) and it was pretty good! Although I put too much sugar on it and so it was almost too sweet.
One last thing…do you add the verses at the end or does someone else?