Hello reader!
My name is Rebecca Florke, but you probably knew that already by looking at the top lefthand corner of the page. Oh, well…can’t hurt to tell ya twice!
Anyway, I am, most importantly, a Christ follower who loves Jesus more than anybody or anything else; therefore, everything I do is through Him and all the glory and honor is His if I do something well.
I have been alive for 18 years and just graduated from high school in May. While in school, I’d participated in mostly drama and music, which was more than enough to keep me very busy along with work at a local pharmacy and homework assignments! But I loved it.
Now that it’s summer, I’ve been cramming in as much time as possible just hanging out with friends before everything in our lives changes. (I do believe I’ve never watched so many movies before as I have this summer!)
For this play, I was one of three old crones…
Other things I L.O.V.E. include reading (a LOT!), chocolate and desserts (I have a major sweet tooth, which is kinda hereditary since my grandma and other family members also “suffer” from this cavity-inducing propensity.), randomness, listening to music (just about anything but country and screaming, heavy metal rock), melodrama, inside jokes, goofiness, FRIENDS and Family, scrapbooking, and worshiping the King of Kings!
There is so much more I could say, but I better leave something for y’all to learn on your own or to read about in the upcoming blogs.
Pictured here are some of my aMaZiNg friends, right before we started a tissue paper war! 😛
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” -Colossians 3:17
Hi sweetie, we are registered now! Love reading about you!
I’m on your blog!!! Yay! Hehe. 🙂